Showing posts with label Enigmatics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Enigmatics. Show all posts

Chequered floor and Diamond palindrome

Chequered floor and Diamond palindromeSOLVITUR AMBULANDO On this chequered floor, paved with slabs each a foot square, the palindrome word ROTATOR can be traced in various ways.If a man walks over it, taking one slab at every step, and never lengthening his strides, how many steps will he take in tracing every possible variation of the word, and how many such variations are there?+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+|=R=|...
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Poetical Conundrums

 Poetical ConundrumsThere’s a word composed of three letters alone,Which reads backwards and forwards the same;It expresses the sentiments warm from the heart,And to beauty lays principal claim.(Eye)Your initials begin with an A,You’ve an A at the end of your name,The whole of your name is an A,And its backward and forward the same.(Anna!)Dean Rivers, Conundrums,Riddles and Puzzles (Containing one...
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Biblical Conundrums about Adam and Eve

At what time of day was Adam created? A little before Eve.Spell “Adam’s Express Company” with three letters. E-v-e.When were walking-sticks first mentioned in the Bible? When Eve presented Adam with a little Cain (cane).What fur did Adam and Eve wear? Bear (bare) skin.Who was the fastest runner in the world? Adam, because he was first in the race.The following is a good sell if properly led up to: Who was the...
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Palindromic rebuses

1.Forwards, backwards, read my name,In sound and meaning I’m the same.Infants, on their mother’s knee,Often smile at sight of me.Add a letter, strange, but true,A man I then appear in view.2.It is a compound word, and belongs to the mineral, and sometimes vegetable kingdom. The whole word is used to contain the first. There are six letters in the first, and two vowels. The last word spelled backward, is a toy...
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The Canterbury Puzzles

The AmuletA strange man was one day found loitering in the courtyard of the castle, and the retainers, noticing that his speech had a foreign accent, suspected him of being a spy.So the fellow was brought before Sir Hugh, who could make nothing of him. He ordered the varlet to be removed and examined, in order to discover whether any secret letters were concealed about him.All they found was a piece of parchment...
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