Palindromic rebuses

Palindromic rebuses


Forwards, backwards, read my name,
In sound and meaning I’m the same.
Infants, on their mother’s knee,
Often smile at sight of me.
Add a letter, strange, but true,
A man I then appear in view.


It is a compound word, and belongs to the mineral, and sometimes vegetable kingdom. The whole word is used to contain the first. There are six letters in the first, and two vowels. The last word spelled backward, is a toy that boys play with. The first two letters of the last word is the name of a river in Europe. The first word spelled differently, but pronounced the same, is a substance of which an important article of food is made.


I am a proper name of two syllables.
My first syllable is a place where wild beasts may often be found.
My first syllable backward is a boy’s nickname.
My second syllable backward is the worst thing in the world.


What wicked deed is that which, read backward, gives what is generally the cause of it?


Four letters, just, compose my name,
Read forward, backward, both the same
Will readily appear;
A Prophetess, I stand confess’d,
Who once the Mediator bless’d,
With reverential fear.


I am something very beautiful, which you can look at, but never touch: spell me backward, and I do a great deal of mischief.

Solutions to the rebusses

1. Pap, Papa.
2. Flower-pot.
3. Dennis.
4. Murder (red rum)
5. Anna
6. Star, rats.

John H. Tingley, The Santa Claus' Book of Games and Puzzles (A Collection of Riddles, Charades, Enigmas, Rebuses, Anagrams, Labyrinths, Acrostics, etc. With a Hieroglyphic Preface), New York, 1864.

Photo: Pixabay/pngwing 

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