Aba aba

Aba aba

Novel by Anthony Burgess: 

ABBA ABBA is the 22nd novel by English author Anthony Burgess, published in 1977. 

It consists of two parts: the first is about the last months in the life of John Keats and his encounters with the Roman (dialectal) poet Giuseppe Gioacchino Belli.

The second presents an English translation of a sequence of blasphemous sonnets by Belli.

The title refers to the enclosed rhyme scheme, commonly used by both Keats and Belli; it can also refer to Christ's prayer in the garden of Gethsemane, prior to his agony ("Abba" means "father").

It is the epitaph on Burgess's marble memorial stone, behind which the vessel with his remains is kept, in Monte Carlo. 'AB' are also Anthony Burgess' initials.

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