
Farigiraf (Japanese: リキキリン Rikikirin) is a dual-type Normal/Psychic Pokémon introduced in Generation IX.

It evolves from Girafarig when leveled up while knowing Twin Beam.


Farigiraf is a quadrupedal giraffine Pokémon. Its body is primarily orange with a long, brown neck and topside, yellow underside and lower legs, and black cloven hooves. Its main head has a yellow blaze on top, two yellow ossicones with bulbous tips, white eyes with black eyelashes and irises, pink upper eyelids, dark brown spots around its eyes, and a round, pink nose. This head is covered by Farigiraf's tail head, which has moved forward, hardened, and fused with its main head as it evolves from Girafarig.[1] The tail head is dark brown with a black face, yellow eyes, sharp white teeth, and four ossicone-like antennae with bulbous tips. There are four orange spots on the front of Farigiraf's neck, and seven dark brown spots circling around where its neck meets its body. It has a row of eight dark brown and yellow spikes running down its spine. Since its tail head had migrated to its neck, Farigiraf lacks a visible tail.

Farigiraf's two brains are connected through thick nerves, allowing it to increase its psychic energy and unleash psychic waves through its antennae. The increased psychic power is 10 times stronger than that of Girafarig. When Farigiraf uses its psychic powers, the eyes on its tail head glow a bright green. Farigiraf is always observing its surroundings and its brains can instantly detect danger. However, its body sometimes cannot react as quickly.[1]

Farigiraf's thick, sturdy tail head serves as both offense and defense for the inner head. When attacking, Farigiraf closes its tail head before using its long neck for a brutal physical attack. This neck attack is powerful enough to destroy both stone and steel beams.[1]

Farigiraf and its pre-evolved form are the only known Pokémon capable of learning the move Twin Beam. Farigiraf is also the only known Pokémon that can have Armor Tail as an Ability.


Farigiraf evolves from Girafarig.


Like its pre-evolution, Farigiraf's name is a palindrome, though not in Japanese.


Farigiraf appears to be based on a giraffe. It also shares traits with the Sivatherium or the Decennatherium, which are four-horned prehistoric relatives of the giraffe — fossils of Decennatherium have only ever been discovered in Spain.[2][3] The way its old tail surrounds its head resembles the hood of a kigurumi or mascot costume.

Name origin

Farigiraf is an inversion of Girafarig.

Rikikirin may be derived from riki (power) and 麒麟 kirin (giraffe) with the name being an anagram of キリンリキ Kirinriki (Girafarig). It not being a palindrome may reflect that Farigiraf’s tail now surrounds its head.

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Photo: Pixabay/GDJ 

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