

Smoking product: 

kinikkinik: Noun - Alternative form of kinnikinnick

Kinnikinnik: Originally spelled with an "l" in the first part (i.e. killikinick, killikinnick). 

From Unami këlëkënikàn (“smoking mixture, killikinick”). 

A wide variety of spelling variants are attested, including forms with "l" in the first part, like killikinick (which are the original forms).

Most variations are rare; the only common forms are kinnikinnick (the most common form since 1930), kinnikinnik, kinnikinnic, kinikinik (popular around 1860), kinnickinick, kinnickinnick, kinnikinic, kinnikinick (popular from 1900 to 1930), kinnikinik; killikinick, killikinnick; k'nick-k'neck.

Smoking product utilizing either the leaf or inner bark of any of the below plants, typically mixed with other plant materials, such as tobacco and/or berries.

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Photo: Pixabay/GDJ 

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