

To remove tartrates: 

Past tense of to detartrate, a chemical term meaning to remove tartrates; alternatively an adjective indicating that tartrates have indeed been removed.

A tartrate is a salt or ester of the organic compound tartaric acid, a dicarboxylic acid. The formula of the tartrate dianion is O−OC-CH(OH)-CH(OH)-COO− or C4H4O62−.

The main forms of tartrates used commercially are pure crystalline tartaric acid used as an acidulant in non-alcoholic drinks and foods, cream of tartar used in baking, and Rochelle salt, commonly used in electroplating solutions.

This is the longest English palindrome in the Guinness Book of Records, though it is not listed in dictionaries and is rarely, if ever, encountered in the wild.

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Photo: Pixabay/GDJ 

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